
Politice and Reflections

If I were working for the UN, I would like to work as an interpreter.
Since many countries get together and discuss, an interpreter demands a fluent interpreter an official languages of three at least.
They are need a meeting of all of the UN.
Mainly, they translate into society, government, technique, finamcial affairs and a decision.
If I worked as an interpreter in UN, I might work to useing my English ability.
But I know I need study English more harder....
Finally, I can know about everything of the UN and give a little tractiion in the UN I think.

Working with different cultures

If I worked another country, I would work in the United States.

America and Japanese companies have different business cultures.
especially, people who working service industries just keeps on increasing. Compared with in Japan, personal effort is taken in the United States.
So, I want to working as career woman there and be success.


Make a pie charf

・pink  ... handsome☆

・yellow ... charm

・dark blue ...smile

・green ...considerate

・orange ...height

・purple ...outlook

・light blue ...tolerate


Names and Addressese

1. Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy,sad, etc?

→I think these are almost the same things but facial expressions are a little difference. So, it defferent way to a reaction each countries.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. Then, write the English franslation.

→楽しい, 嬉しい happy, enjoyable, delightful
 なぜ   why
 酷い cruel
 悲しい sad, miserable
 ビックリ! be surprised,
 あきれる    be amazed
悔しい      regrettable
腹立たしい    vexing
 心配する     worry
退屈する     boring
3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannnot be translated into English?

→Yes, there are. I think that the following cannot be translated into English.
いってきます。いってらっしゃい。ただいま~。 おかえり。



1. How do you greet members of your family?
I just greet "ohayou" to my parents and my brother. It is a simple greeting.
2. How do you greet people that are important in society?
I think I greeting make a low bow with using a polite words.
3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?
I do not change how to greet from the opposite sex.
4. Do you hug anyone?
No, I do not hug anyone. There is not habit such a hug in Japan.


How do you greet people in your life?

There is the method of various greetings by countries. We shake hands and embrance each other and the kiss is a kind of greetings, too. Japanese greetings express by bow. When I respect a partner, I change the angle of the waist when partner is older than me. I think that this symbolizes Japanese humility.